A Safe Space To Share Stories and Experiences

This Blog Was Created To Inspire, Motivate, and Encourage You

Building an Inspiring Community Through Words

Hello! I am happy that you have been led to My Silent Words blog. It’s not by happenstance that you have found yourself here today. I truly believe that in life, things happen for a reason and that our steps are ordered. You are here today because, like me, you may have experienced a lot of situations and circumstances throughout life, even at a very young age, that at the time, didn’t seem to make sense, and you are looking for a non-intrusive place to share your story. The experiences we have in life may cause us to stay silent and suppress how we feel. Trust me, that is not always an easy thing to do. We only can hold so much in.

This blog might not be like your usual or typical blog you come across that is fancy, organized, and pristine. You might find that my thoughts are all over the place at times, and this is a reflection of LIFE and its reality—my thoughts are sometimes scattered. That doesn’t make me a bad person, it’s a part of who I am, and I have learned to keep things moving along. I want to capture my thoughts as they are. In a world with filters, it seems that authenticity is lost. I am here to be my true self in my original form, and I want you to feel free to do the same!

In this online community, we will encourage, motivate, inspire, and share stories and life experiences. Let’s all have fun and continue to strive for greatness!


Group of people