A Manager Should Know How to Manage Their Behavior

False stories, lies, deceit, jealousy, envy are words that come to mind when I think of you. You were my manager; someone that I should have been able to look up to. A leader? Yes, you carried the title, but your actions were not always becoming of a leader. A lack of professional boundaries, buddying…

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Let’s Do Better

Group of people

Have you ever been the leader of a department, project, or company and just felt like you didn’t fit in? This has happened several times in my life. I first always like to look at what might be going on within me to make me feel like that. I pray and reflect on things that…

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Successful & Single

Group of people

Having success and being a single woman without a strong support system can sometimes feel lonely. Even with a support system, there’s that piece of wanting someone to share your success with. Now-a-days, it is definitely more challenging to date without compromising your standards. There’s so many reasons for this such as with everything going…

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