Something Has To Change

When I got to the point I was pulling in my garage after work and just sitting there for 10-15 minutes, scrolling through my phone and crying, I knew something had to change. The feeling of resentment towards myself began to really sink in. I would become so anxious and taken over by anxiety when…

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The Kid In Me

I had accomplished and accumulated a lot of things at a young age. On the surface, things looked good, but in reality, it wasn’t as good as it seemed. There were plenty of days when I wished I was a kid again. A part of me felt like I grew up too fast and stripped…

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The Solo Entrepreneur: The Top Can Be Lonely

What does a single entrepreneur do when they have no support system? Who do they talk to? I have heard before that being at the top is lonely, and I agree. When you reach a certain level of success (whatever that may look like to you), there are certain things that you no longer will…

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Church Chronicles: Control, Conflict, and Confusion

empty Church

Growing up in Church, as a child, I would oftentimes hear my mother mention in her “grown folks conversations” certain things going on at the particular Church that we were members at. I was a kid so I didn’t pay it no mind. Now that I have experienced Church hurt, the things that she would…

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Leave Him Alone: The Single Married Man

Leave Him Alone: The Single Married Man

Leave that married man alone! He is not going to leave his wife to be with you. Don’t allow him to convince you through social media posts that he is not happy. I don’t care how long you have known him and how much of a nice guy he seems to be; he is who…

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Love Isn’t Blind


Love isn’t blind, we just choose to see what we want to see. We have selective seeing when it comes to certain situations. We overlook, ignore, and make excuses for inappropriate behavior. Giving people the benefit of the doubt while compromising who we are only leads to regret. Regret of not trusting your intuition, regret…

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Dating a Man With Kids

A man should never allow a woman to come in between him and his relationship with his child(ren). For a man that does, lacks boundaries and is not fit to be called a father. I am the product of a single mother. My dad allowed his wife to come in between our relationship. Well, from…

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Watch Me

My voice has been stifled, but no longer will I allow fear to keep me silent. I am not going to fear rocking the boat, stirring the pot, stepping on someone’s toes, and making people feel uncomfortable. I am not going to dim my light, diminish my accomplishments, shrink my worthiness just to make people…

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