
Love Isn’t Blind

Love isn’t blind, we just choose to see what we want to see. We have selective seeing when it comes to certain situations. We overlook, ignore, and make excuses for inappropriate behavior. Giving people the benefit of the doubt while compromising who we are only leads to regret. Regret of not trusting your intuition, regret of not walking away from a toxic situation, regret of being too nice… so many regrets. The thing is, people show us, intentionally and unintentionally, all the time, through their actions and words, who they really are, we just need to learn to believe them. “When people show you who they are, believe them the first time” (Maya Angelou).

 I remember being told by my ex when discussing our relationship and where things were going, “I’m going to hurt you. You’re such a nice person.” I didn’t think anything of this comment at the time besides thinking that he thought he wasn’t going to be able to live up to my high standards, but never did I think he was trying to convey to me that the relationship wasn’t going to work out because of his lack of character and him being a liar. When I heard Neyo’s song, “Don’t Love Me” it resonated so deeply. This is exactly what I experienced- a man plainly telling me that he was going to hurt me (emotionally). He even told me that I deserved better, but I failed to listen.

Love isn’t blind, we just don’t want to see the things that are being shown to us.